Category Archive for: Uncategorized

10 Tips for Choosing the Right Voice for Your Videos

When you’re making a company video, deciding the right voice is not an easy task.  You don’t want it to sound off, and you want it to appeal to the viewer. Determining a voice for any video isn’t an easy task, so we compiled a list of 10 helpful tips to guide you. Focus in…

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The Importance of Sound Effects in your Promotional Video

Watch a video, any video.  Now, close your eyes and watch the same video.  It is a completely different experience when all you hear are the sounds.  Even if they aren’t the first thing you notice, sound effects can make or break your promotional video.  Why? Because they draw in viewer attention and play with…

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Why Your Business Needs a Video Content Strategy at all Stages

Does your business need to have a video strategy? The answer is yes! Video is the most engaging form of online content, but it can be an expensive and time-consuming endeavor to create an online video for any business – whether you are a startup or established company. So how do you know when is…

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Making a Business Video? Don’t forget a Call to Action!

When making a company video, the call to action is probably the most vital part.  It’s the ‘what to do next’ part of the video, inciting your viewer to act, and without it, you can lose the point of your video.  There are different types of call to actions to add into business videos, each…

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How to Brag about your Business in Company Videos

When you make a company video, you of course want to brag about your services.  But, the last thing you want to do is sound too proud or smug.  You want viewers to walk away thinking how great your company is not how conceited you are.  Where is the line between bragging and promoting in…

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Including Facts and Figures in your Demo Video

When you’re making your company video, including statistics or figures can drive the point home about why your customer needs your service.  However, you can’t just throw in facts wherever you want, you must place them strategically.  Many business videos just awkwardly state facts, which diminishes their point.  If you want to make an online…

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What’s the Deal with Video Rich Snippets

By now you have definitely heard that you must include video on your website in order to encourage higher search engine ranking. So, you finally post some videos onto your homepage, but still haven’t seen much of a difference. Well, that’s because you haven’t optimized your video. By optimizing your videos, your site is 50…

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Shortening your Video’s Message

When trying to sell your product or service to potential clients there is a tendency to go on and on, dishing out details upon details, because it’s your baby and you firmly believe it is the best thing ever!  Don’t lie because we both know it’s true. It’s easy to talk endlessly about something you…

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The Basics of Online Video Script Writing

Alright ladies and gents, grab a pencil and paper or keyboard, because it’s time to take notes while we learn how to properly script out your message. This is actually your first step in the video production process, so take a look at our tips on how to do this right! Just write and don’t…

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Demo Videos that are More than One Minute: When is it OK?

We always stress not making your company video more than 90 seconds.  The viewer may disengage, and your message won’t get across.  But sometimes, a longer video is OK.  Are we confusing you? Probably. We wrote a blog post last year on this very topic, but now we’re going to show you a clear cut…

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