Category Archive for: Uncategorized

Tips for Designing Videos for Mobile Viewers

* This blog was originally posted on CitizenTEKK Video is taking over mobile devices, and the amount of videos being viewed from mobile devices is continuously increasing. It is important to consider your mobile viewers and make your web videos suitable for mobile devices. The Pew Research Center 2013 Online Video Study reports that mobile…

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Three Ways to Make your Next Company Video Stand Out

Explainer videos come in different shapes, themes, and sizes. Video production companies strive to be the best by creating new animations and drafting clever scripts. However, as any other video ever made, the trick to a really good company video is the ability to set your video apart from the rest. Not sure how to…

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How to State the Problem in an Explainer Video

When creating a business video for a product or service, a very successful equation when writing the script is: 1. State the Problem 2. Tell the Solution 3. Tell why your Product/Company is Better 4. Call to Action Many explanatory videos follow this model in order to get across the message in an efficient and…

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How to Always Create a Clear Message in Video

To our surprise, one of the most difficult aspects in producing a video is establishing a clear and informative message. A successful and catchy message in a video can serve as a beneficial strategy to help increase website traffic to your website, promote of your company’s brand, and even build a better relationship with your…

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How to Make your Company Video Entertaining

When we produce explainer videos, we are faced with a number of challenges and decisions in order to create an effective and engaging video. One of the challenges that we face is creating videos on subject matter that can be a bit sensitive for some, such as home or bank loans. That’s where our latest…

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Black and White or Color? Importance of Color in your Video

So you are looking to create an online video for your product or service.  Did you think of what color background you should use yet? What color shirt should the presenter wear?  Should there be any color at all?  One of the first decisions you must make is how to utilize color in your video.…

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What is the Most Critical Factor in Video Production

Have you ever wondered what is the most important component in producing an effective video?  We did too.  That’s why we asked video experts and influencers to help us figure it out in just one word.  We asked, “In one phrase, what do you think matters most for online video? ie: title, script or where…

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How to Make a Multilingual Video

Are you a global company or a company looking to spread its wings internationally?  Then you’re probably wondering how to promote yourself abroad.  One way is through video.  Maybe you already have an explainer video in English and you need to translate it or maybe you want to jump on the process of making a…

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How Much Humor to Include in Your Web Video?

Ahhh humor, it can either be your friend or your enemy, especially when it comes to your company’s homepage video. One of the most challenging aspects of my career as a video producer is gauging the amount humor in videos with my clients. Incorporating some laughter into your video is a great strategy for making…

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Demo Video vs. Infomercials: How not to be Spammy!

One of the worst things a company can do is make a company video that looks like an infomercial.  What’s even worse is if that company paid for a video service to make that spammy video. To know what I’m talking about, watch these top 10 worst infomercials. As funny as those are, do you…

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