Posts Tagged:storytelling


Why Explaining Complex Concepts with Animation Works

Marketers already know that video is a captivating, engaging tool for businesses. Companies using video enjoy 41% more web traffic than non-users and video on a landing page can increase conversions by 80%, if not more. But video is such a broad over-arching medium that spans many different formats, which can make it difficult for…

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Neil Patel Explains Why Storytelling is Key to Video

Neil Patel is famous for his pieces on growing businesses through an increase in web traffic and engagement. He has been featured in numerous media publications explaining how an everyday marketer can make their brand stand out from the rest. We spoke to Neil about how video played a role in his marketing efforts, and…

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How Video Storytelling is Changing & What it Means For Your Brand

Storytelling has always been an important part of an explainer video. Brands have mastered creating a story surrounding a product or offering and making sure that story is understandable throughout a video. The art of storytelling for company videos, however, is changing and consumers are beginning to expect something a bit different from brands. A…

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Why Whiteboard Animation is so effective

7 Reasons Why Whiteboard Animation is so Effective

Today businesses all over the world are recognizing the power of whiteboard animation to help build greater brand awareness and sales. In the promotional video, eVestment used a whiteboard animation to break down a complicated subject matter into something that was both entertaining and easy to understand. As a result, this video received 2,500 views with an 81% engagement rate…

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