Posts Tagged:Video for Business Services

Triumph Learning Whiteboard Animation

Online Video Solutions for Educators

With rise of technological solutions for educators, we have seen a wave of companies find success selling online video solutions aimed and addressing a wide range of challenges faced by today’s teacher. These companies are tapping into video as a wonderful medium for communicating their value proposition.  Let’s take a look at two different, but…

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the roi of an explainer video

How do your Product Videos Increase ROI?

The average product video costs between $5,000 and $10,000 USD to produce, so marketers are under the gun to present results generated from that investment. That being said, online video trails only featured articles in terms of ROI for content marketing according to a recent study by In order to appropriately measure ROI and…

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Amber Group Motion Graphic Animation

Clever Ways to Use Promotional Videos for Your Business

Producing a promotional video for your business undoubtedly has its advantages. However, producing one that is truly successful takes more creativity than one may think. Larger businesses tend to have difficulty when finding a way to narrow down their offerings into a single promotional video that is both engaging and less than 90 seconds. Not…

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How to Use Short Videos to Position Yourself as a Thought Leader

Everyone has learned over the past few years how important it is to utilize social media networks in their marketing strategy.  We are currently seeing a rise in the popularity of online video as a platform for influencing brand perception as many brands and companies are incorporating video into their website or by sharing them…

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Why Whiteboard Animation Makes an Impact

Now more than ever companies are tapping into the potential of whiteboard animation as a tool for communicating with current and prospective clients. Businesses are incorporating video into their strategies and we have specifically seen the rise of the “web video” utilizing whiteboard animation as a great way to educate the target audience on a company’s…

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How to Appeal to your Target Audience with Promotional Videos

Remember in class when our teachers taught us how to react in an emergency situation? In order to properly get help, we must designate a specific person to call 911 or take action. Well, apply that same theory to your business’ call of action in a marketing video. As businesses, we often explain our services…

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Multiple Videos for One Company

Your business probably has multiple target audiences, and the best way to target each individual audience is to create a series of multiple videos. This can be a challenge, as it’s not easy to effectively communicate to multiple audiences with just one style of communication. How do companies deal with this dilemma? Using multiple videos. If…

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Why Aren’t You Using Video for Customer Service

Typically, when thinking of incorporating online videos, most businesses don’t consider using video for customer service. According to Bain and Co., a 5% increase in customer retention can increase a company’s profitability by 75%. A study from Invodo also indicates that 52% of consumers who watch product videos say those videos make them more confident…

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How to Choose the Best Background for Your Online Video

As the demand for animated explainer videos continues to rise, you’re probably starting to pay more attention towards creating the next trending video. You know that you need to focus on a solid script and distinguishable animations, but are you are leaving out one key visual element? That’s right – the background. The design of…

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How to Brag about your Business in Company Videos

When you make a company video, you of course want to brag about your services.  But, the last thing you want to do is sound too proud or smug.  You want viewers to walk away thinking how great your company is not how conceited you are.  Where is the line between bragging and promoting in…

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