27th September 2013

Why Your Business Needs a Video Content Strategy at all Stages

Does your business need to have a video strategy? The answer is yes! Video is the most engaging form of online content, but it can be an expensive and time-consuming endeavor to create an online video for any business – whether you are a startup or established company. So how do you know when is the right time to create a video for your product or service?

video content strategy

Let’s begin with startups. If your company is brand new, there are really only a few reasons why you need to jump on the video bandwagon so early. Before spending tons of money on a video production, you should first evaluate the possible lifetime of the video you wish to create. How long you can make use of the video for marketing or promoting your brand before it becomes outdated? Is there any possibility you may change messaging strategies or directions before really establishing your brand? If the answer to either of these is yes, it’s best to hold off on creating a video until you have analyzed and defined your brand’s goals.

Your business may consider creating an online video early in the game if you have a product or service, for example a web or cloud application, that is difficult to understand without any visuals. An explainer video is a great way to describe the problem your app is solving and show exactly how it works. This doesn’t have to be an elaborate demonstration, yet it can be a simple animation or recorded whiteboard drawing to get your point across.

Another reason your new business may need to consider video early on is if you are planning to do a crowdfunding campaign. A well-made video will show your audience that you are professional and serious about your goals. If you are on a budget, there are numerous online resources available to make a decent explanatory video or you can try scoping out a student videographer to take on the project.

Once your business is a bit more established, you can start creating video content for many other reasons. You can create product demonstration videos, showcasing typical uses, or begin placing video content on social media to generate attention and engagement. If all goes well, you will eventually start selling your product or service successfully. So should you continue creating fresh new video content even after you meet your sales goals? Again, we say yes. Why? Because consumers are demanding it and your competition will certainly be using video as a marketing strategy to stay ahead of the game. Product demonstrations for every new product your business puts out makes for good video content. You can also create interview videos, show behind-the-scenes of your company, or even testimonials and product reviews can be transformed into video content when you business is past the stage of needing to increase awareness of your brand.

Having a video content strategy is important at all stages of a business. During the early stages, creating video content can help you realize exactly what problems your product or service is solving and how you can improve. Once you have established your brand, video content then becomes a must in order to stay on top of your competition and attract new customers.

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About the Author

Anish hails from London and holds a degree in software engineering from the University of Manchester. Following his education, he worked for several years in the financial industry as a platform administrator before founding Revolution Productions in 2008. In addition to over seven years of video production, Anish is seen as an industry professional, adding his insight in publications such as VentureBeat, ReelSEO and Wistia.

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