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How to Use Short Videos to Position Yourself as a Thought Leader

Everyone has learned over the past few years how important it is to utilize social media networks in their marketing strategy.  We are currently seeing a rise in the popularity of online video as a platform for influencing brand perception as many brands and companies are incorporating video into their website or by sharing them…

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Why Whiteboard Animation Makes an Impact

Now more than ever companies are tapping into the potential of whiteboard animation as a tool for communicating with current and prospective clients. Businesses are incorporating video into their strategies and we have specifically seen the rise of the “web video” utilizing whiteboard animation as a great way to educate the target audience on a company’s…

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How to Appeal to your Target Audience with Promotional Videos

Remember in class when our teachers taught us how to react in an emergency situation? In order to properly get help, we must designate a specific person to call 911 or take action. Well, apply that same theory to your business’ call of action in a marketing video. As businesses, we often explain our services…

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How to Test your Promotional Video to Determine Success

  Your company worked tirelessly on its latest video campaign. Now you need to know whether it’s working or not. We know you have good taste, but is it the right taste for your target audience?  Within the online marketplace, it can be tough to pinpoint the precise audience with whom your message will resonate.…

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What Type of Web Videos do Startups Use?

Startups have to jump over difficult barriers in order to be recognized in the fast moving digital world. Not only do they need to establish a brand, but they also need to encourage users to try out their products. This is why web videos are an essential tool for startups. They effectively communicate important information,…

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How to Showcase your Product or Service in Video

For some online companies, showing off online services isn’t as easy or as visually pleasing as it may be for mobile apps or new products. As you have seen in whiteboard animation and other web video styles, companies with difficult products/services are now finding clever ways to visually demonstrate how their product/service works. Today, we…

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Can I have a Black and White Explainer Video?

Most likely your logo has colors, and your company’s palate is made up of more than just black and white, so, in that case, is it OK to have a black and white explainer video?  Yes! Color can have a strong effect on your business video, but so can the lack of color.  Taking away…

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How to Produce High Quality Web Videos

Typically people want to get into DIY projects to save money or even learn something new. We applaud the effort but want to reinforce that when it comes to DIY video production, there’s a level of risk you take. Since you are neither an expert nor do you handle videos on a daily basis, it…

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To Make Engaging Content, You Must Make it Easy to Understand

We understand that it is difficult to create engaging videos, especially for companies that offer complicated products, such as the finance industry or cloud-based apps. What do you do if your company’s content isn’t engaging? In order to create a video that is more engaging, you must simplify what the content is about – the…

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The Basics of an Establishing Shot for Video

Need to film an interview on a budget? Fortunately, filming an interview can be done by most people without expensive production.  To ensure that your video doesn’t appear of lesser quality, there are some video production tricks you can use to imitate the video professional.  A video technique that is great for short, interview style…

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