6th February 2014

What Type of Web Videos do Startups Use?

Startups have to jump over difficult barriers in order to be recognized in the fast moving digital world. Not only do they need to establish a brand, but they also need to encourage users to try out their products. This is why web videos are an essential tool for startups. They effectively communicate important information, such as how the product works, while engaging viewers to take the next step.

web videos for startups

Although with so many web videos available, startups find it difficult to choose the best video style for them.

Here’s a list of the top 5 web videos for startups

2D Animation

2D motion graphics are created through computer animation. This style of video creates a sense of motion and fluidity of text and images that engages the viewers’ attention. Since the visuals are computer simulated, they are able to take viewers on an virtual tour of a product or service.

Read more about how we produced this video for  Precog.

3D Motion Graphics Animation 3D motion graphics is the same format as 2D motion graphics, but they offer more in-depth visuals. 3D motion graphics are ideal to feature physical products, such as a mobile device, since the graphics can offer a 360 scope of the product.

Read more about how we produced this video for Kapost

Cartoon Animation

Cartoon animation videos are extremely effective in engaging users’ attention. People trust cartoon characters and typical are intrigued to find out what’s next! Cartoon animation works great for videos that want to feature their products being used in action.

Read more about how we produced this video for Bullguard

Whiteboard Animation

Whiteboard animation is one of the most popular styles of web videos today. A sequence of hand drawn graphics create an informational style video. Since this simulate how most of us learned in classroom, the whiteboard style video offers an educational effect, allowing viewers to open up for new ideas, which is why it is most often recommended for businesses with complicated services, the whiteboard graphics and visuals are able to simplify the message.


Read more about how we produced this video for Triumph Learning.

Live Action

Live action web videos are a great way to show off personality and engage with viewers on a personal level. Production costs can be costly but only the highest quality videos generate results. Live action videos are recommended for startups that are interested in establishing a personality for their brand.

Dollar Shave Club

As for startups, there no better way to connect with users than with a video.  If you’re interested to watch more videos, then stop by our video portfolio page for more.

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About the Author

Anish hails from London and holds a degree in software engineering from the University of Manchester. Following his education, he worked for several years in the financial industry as a platform administrator before founding Revolution Productions in 2008. In addition to over seven years of video production, Anish is seen as an industry professional, adding his insight in publications such as VentureBeat, ReelSEO and Wistia.

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