Posts Tagged:Online Video

video email marketing for mobile

Optimizing Video Email Marketing for Mobile Users

Nowadays, 55% of all email “opens” happen on a mobile device according to research by  Yesmail, and mobile-only viewers grew by 64% during the second half of last year. This means optimizing video email marketing for mobile devices is absolutely critical as these stats are only going to continue to grow. Reading an email that isn’t…

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Forming a Video Production Team – Who To Hire

Trying to make the perfect production team or want to make sure you’re hiring the perfect video production team?  It can be pretty confusing all the positions and roles, especially since some rock star people cover more than one role.  In the world of digital videos, the roles are different than that of a traditional…

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Tips for Encouraging User Generated Video Content

Do you remember about five years ago when we were in the age of point-and-shoot cameras? Or when we use to catch life’s precious moments on camcorders? Don’t you miss that? Me neither.  Today we have smartphones for practically everything; taking photos, sharing videos, surfing social media sites…oh, and of course making that once in…

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How to Use a Demo Video to Explain New Product Features 

Does your business have a new product, feature, process, or new version being released? If so, then you why not consider using a video to launch it. A video is a great way to deliver content. Not only is it easy to share and likely to be more widely distributed than text content, your video…

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Google+ Hangouts On Air: How to engage an Audience with live Video Broadcast

Google’s latest online enhancement, the Google+ Hangout On Air has been acclaimed as the biggest online sensation in real-time group communication…watch out, Skype! None of us can refuse the power of communication, especially now that Google+ Hangouts has now unleashed the possibility for businesses to broadcast to viewers from around the world in real-time. As all…

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Four Ways to Increase SEO for your Video

In today’s flourishing online video world, proper SEO is crucial in order to enable viewers to find your content. How do you ensure successful SEO and avoid having your video fall into the depths of the unseen? Here are four more things (be sure to check out our older tips) to consider when developing your…

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How to produce a successful video for a social cause

Producing a video for a social cause is a great way to get your message out to the world. Online video content stats suggest that supplementing the text on your cause page will increase not only awareness of your cause but also time spent on your website. Making an video for a social cause is a…

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How to be Genuine in Online Video

In this latest web video for a small business, we highlight Beachway Therapy Center using an animated case study of their average client. This video is very specifically targeted for people with alcohol or drug abuse, so we had to make a very relatable character – someone who wants to turn their life around. First…

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Online Video Trends for 2013

As 2013 approaches, we want to think about what the future of online video holds. As video views continue to steadily increase, the next couple of years are going to include innovative ways of businesses using these videos to promote their products or services including a lot of focus on web video commercials. A lot…

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What are the Best Web Video Hosting Services for Web Applications?

Choosing between web video hosting services for your online video is like picking out a television: not only do aesthetics matter, but functionality and image quality are key. The right TV set can make your living room look elegant and brighten your whole viewing experience, while the wrong one just makes you want to get up…

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