12th December 2013

Forming a Video Production Team – Who To Hire

Video Production Team

Trying to make the perfect production team or want to make sure you’re hiring the perfect video production team?  It can be pretty confusing all the positions and roles, especially since some rock star people cover more than one role.  In the world of digital videos, the roles are different than that of a traditional film-making crew.  There are many roles, such as cameraman, casting directors, etc that do not apply.

So when you’re in the world of web videos, here are the must-have positions.

Animator: Animation is key when it comes to business videos, as more and more companies are moving to whiteboard animation.  Your animator must make everything move, literally.  While everyone on the team is important, the head of animation will make sure your video gets moving.

Art Director: Incorporating client colors and logos is no easy task, which is why it’s imperative to hire a strong art director.  When looking to hire a video production company, it’s important you like the past work by the art director and that they can creatively work on your campaign.

Composer: While the music in your homepage video might not be the most important part, without it, your video is lost in silence.  Make sure you listen closely to sounds and themes that your video production company uses.  Some companies purchase music or compose their own – just make sure to find the right fit for you.

Producer: The Head of Production will get your project off the ground, so it’s important that you have a great relationship with him or her.  In our case it’s also our Founder, who is a genius when it comes to videos, so we never have a problem there!

Project Manager: Is your project going to be on time? Will you understand what you items you need to send and when?  The project manager is an essential part of the team because they are your contact when it comes to the project.  A nice, informative, and quick project manager is the hidden weapon in any video production team.

Scriptwriter: Every single line in your business video counts, and the scriptwriter must be able to effective push (but not overly promote) the essential parts of your company.  This wordsmith will essentially be speaking to your viewers, so it’s vital they have a way with words.

Once you have all of those people, or people that can cover all of those tasks, your video production team is set.  At Revolution Productions, we hire video gurus that understand all aspects, which makes video production pretty easy for us.

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About the Author

Anish hails from London and holds a degree in software engineering from the University of Manchester. Following his education, he worked for several years in the financial industry as a platform administrator before founding Revolution Productions in 2008. In addition to over seven years of video production, Anish is seen as an industry professional, adding his insight in publications such as VentureBeat, ReelSEO and Wistia.

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