28th December 2012

Online Video Trends for 2013

As 2013 approaches, we want to think about what the future of online video holds. As video views continue to steadily increase, the next couple of years are going to include innovative ways of businesses using these videos to promote their products or services including a lot of focus on web video commercials.

A lot of people are weighing in on what they think 2013 will hold for online video trends, so we thought, hey, let’s give our opinion too! So here is what we, your video gurus, think will happen next year for online video.

Online video will soon earn the role as most watched form of advertising. In 2013, expect video ad consumption to reach 12 billion per month on social platforms such as Youtube. With more videos and competition, what can we expect? Well probably quirkier, eye catching ads, such as our favorite Old Spice commercials. Have you seen their unforgettable, outlandish themes? We can probably expect more crazy videos  that will do just about anything to gather our attention.

What else? Well, brace yourself shoppers, because online retailer’s plan to use video advertisement to promote their products. Now when you go onto some online retail sites, a video will open up automatically and describe either a product or the company itself. Retailers are using their own sites or sites such as Youtube and Vimeo to display their videos and advertisements. These videos are entertaining, but they also informatively bond the user with the products.

Finally, expect to see more retailers sharing their TV advertising online through social media or simply engaging customers with their brand. Social media platforms are garnering more traction these days, so expect to see more TV….online.

Video is going to offer big things this coming year in terms of online video marketing
growth. So… mark your Christmas list and ask Santa for a computer to keep up with all of these upcoming videos trends!

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About the Author

Anish hails from London and holds a degree in software engineering from the University of Manchester. Following his education, he worked for several years in the financial industry as a platform administrator before founding Revolution Productions in 2008. In addition to over seven years of video production, Anish is seen as an industry professional, adding his insight in publications such as VentureBeat, ReelSEO and Wistia.

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