6th August 2013

Google+ Hangouts On Air: How to engage an Audience with live Video Broadcast

Google’s latest online enhancement, the Google+ Hangout On Air has been acclaimed as the biggest online sensation in real-time group communication…watch out, Skype! None of us can refuse the power of communication, especially now that Google+ Hangouts has now unleashed the possibility for businesses to broadcast to viewers from around the world in real-time.

As all of this sounds incredible, the idea of broadcasting a live event may seem intimidating.  To get yourself started, here’s our advice on how to host a successful virtual premier on Google+ Hangouts. Oh, and don’t forget to invite us!

Create an Outline: In any real-time situation, it is essential to create an organized plan, since it you can’t hide faults when recording live.  To do this, we recommend designating a leader to call the shots and host the movement of the hangout. This will encourage your viewers to not speak over others, especially if tiny delays occur between conversations. We also suggest to create a motion for users to use when they want to contribute to the conversation. Most hangouts use the raise of a hand method.

Market your Hangout: There are numerous platforms to post your hangout. Ideally you will be discussing your expertise of your industry or even just wanting to ask the public questions for research. A great platform is Where to Hangout at Google+.  Here, you can categorize your topics and allow anyone to join your event.

Choose a Interesting background: One of the most exciting components of your Google+ hangout is that people can browse for open events and organically join.This is where your eye-catching background comes in. People will be attracted to your subject, but they also get a snapshot of you in your video, so if you create a professional and intriguing  background you will be sure to grow your viewers, just based on looks.

google hangout

Keep it lively: For videos, the key to maintaining viewership is by actually entertaining your guests. Ways that users stay tuned with online video is to use images or even cards. Lately, businesses even utilize dual screens to feature presentations during their broadcast. Create a stimulating conversation and add in some lively jokes and visuals to keep your viewers entertained. Lastly, always remember to gain viewers you should share original and new content, giving them a reason to see what you have to say.

As you can see, it is better to prepare for your event so you really put on a show for the online world. To get you started,  here’s some additional ideas of what to host on your next broadcast



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About the Author

Anish hails from London and holds a degree in software engineering from the University of Manchester. Following his education, he worked for several years in the financial industry as a platform administrator before founding Revolution Productions in 2008. In addition to over seven years of video production, Anish is seen as an industry professional, adding his insight in publications such as VentureBeat, ReelSEO and Wistia.

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