Category Archive for: Video Production

Contracting external video animation Experts

Contracting External Video Animation Experts

Why & How to Find an External Video Animation Team to Produce Your Marketing Videos When it comes to production, businesses typically have the option of hiring an in-house team or contracting and external video animation company. Video animation serves multiple purposes, three of which include to: Entertain Educate Engage If the purpose of your video…

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Choosing the right voice over for your web video

Choosing the Right Voice Over for Web Videos

Choosing the voice for your web video is important because it reflects how you want to communicate with your target audience. It is essentially another aspect of your overall branding that will differentiate you from the pack. With this in mind, how does your company select the ‘right’ voice over for your web video? To answer that, we have created…

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The importance of script writing for an explainer video

The Importance of Script Writing

“The reason one writes isn’t the fact he wants to say something. He writes because he has something to say.” ~Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald So, what do you have to say? What is so important that you need a video and an audience to pay attention to you? What do you want your audience to…

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5 Video Production Tips from the Video Experts

We’ve made a lot of explainer videos…I mean a lot.  From tricky software to video games, we’ve seen it all, which has allowed us to learn a lot along the way.  And now, we’d like to share that knowledge with our biggest fans. Without further ado, here’s 5 expert tips for making awesome demo videos…

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How to Target your Audience in Web Videos

Remember back when our mothers had coupon booklets? Adding more coupons from Sunday morning newspaper seemed like a chore! Now that coupons have moved online, it would be simpler, but in reality, they are all over the place, saved from one site to the next…what a mess! Meet Spreadsave, a platform that localizes all of…

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The Power of Storytelling in Whiteboard Animation Videos

So. You’re in consulting and, like most jobs, your main goal is to keep the client happy. But what happens? Delays delays delays. And your client becomes unhappy. Who can blame them — we want everything now now now. What is the main problem here? You’re probably great at your job, but the process and…

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Six Steps to Produce an Online Video with Revolution Productions

Without sounding like an infomercial, we wanted to lay out just how easy it is to create online videos with Revolution Productions. Yes, there are many complicated steps when making explainer videos, but the complicated part is left to the producers, not you. So here we go through the six easy steps! 1. Script-Concept development…

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