Category Archive for: Online Video Marketing

Using Smart Humor in Web Video

Using Smart Humor in Web Videos

There is a fine line between “brilliant” and “inappropriate” when using humor in your web video. It’s important to create a balance between your company’s values and maintaining viewer interests. In the absence of humor or an entertainment value, a company’s description can seem dull and fail to achieve the objective of hooking its viewers.…

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How Your Business can use Short Form Video

Short form videos offer incredible benefits for a company’s website and are growing more popular in the small business and startup market – for good reason. Studies show that short form video serves as an effective way to communicate with customers; for instance a study from Insivia suggests that 80% of users recall a video advertisement…

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Multiple Videos for One Company

Your business probably has multiple target audiences, and the best way to target each individual audience is to create a series of multiple videos. This can be a challenge, as it’s not easy to effectively communicate to multiple audiences with just one style of communication. How do companies deal with this dilemma? Using multiple videos. If…

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Why Aren’t You Using Video for Customer Service

Typically, when thinking of incorporating online videos, most businesses don’t consider using video for customer service. According to Bain and Co., a 5% increase in customer retention can increase a company’s profitability by 75%. A study from Invodo also indicates that 52% of consumers who watch product videos say those videos make them more confident…

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How to Maintain Engagement for your Video Campaign

You finally produced your video, posted it onto your video hosting site, and promoted it on social media. That’s great! Then you notice that your video’s engagement started out strong but has started a drop off in viewer engagement and interactions. Sometimes we must re-evaluate our efforts in order to continually promote our videos.  Which…

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4 Strategic Ways to Use Video in Ecommerce Marketing

Video is a highly valuable marketing tool, especially for an e-commerce business. Using video for your business, you have the ability to drive greater engagement with customers, as well as generate more purchasing activity. But there are many other things you can do with web video to increase its potential ROI – here are our…

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