6th September 2013

4 Strategic Ways to Use Video in Ecommerce Marketing

Video is a highly valuable marketing tool, especially for an e-commerce business. Using video for your business, you have the ability to drive greater engagement with customers, as well as generate more purchasing activity. But there are many other things you can do with web video to increase its potential ROI – here are our four suggestions for strategically using video in your other marketing initiatives!

1. Paid Search – Last year Google introduced paid search ads on YouTube, giving retailers the ability to bid on keywords. This is a great way to increase your video’s visibility to millions of Youtube users. While this capability has not been directly introduced to Google search yet, video does provide SEO value and can strengthen your paid search campaigns.

paid search campaign

2. Display Advertising – Display ads can be very effective to get potential customers to watch your videos. This test conducted by Blue State Digital, compared engagement between Google Search ads and ads on Google Display, and found that display ads outperformed search ads in the total number of video views. The theory is that when people browse display ads, they are more likely to be in the mood to watch video content.

Display Ads

3. Retargeting – If your marketing strategy includes retargeting ads, try adding in video, which is much more powerful than static images and has a better chance of catching your customer’s attention. Studies show that retargeting with video can create a 5-10% lift in conversions, site visits and revenue. The use of video instead of text is also a strong way to get messages in front of abandoned cart visitors on your site.

retarget audience

4. Email Marketing – You can add videos to your marketing emails about sales, special promotions, or even in follow-up emails you send after someone makes a purchase, to highlight similar products your customers may be interested in. Not only does video provide more compelling content, but they can generate higher clickthrough rates for your email marketing campaigns.

email marketing

Remember, it’s not easy to grab consumers’ attention in the crowded marketplace of emails and marketing messages. However, you can separate your ecommerce business from the rest with informative and engaging video content!

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About the Author

Anish hails from London and holds a degree in software engineering from the University of Manchester. Following his education, he worked for several years in the financial industry as a platform administrator before founding Revolution Productions in 2008. In addition to over seven years of video production, Anish is seen as an industry professional, adding his insight in publications such as VentureBeat, ReelSEO and Wistia.

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