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Ideas on how to implement video into an existing marketing strategy

Fitting Animated Video into an Existing Marketing Strategy

Whether you already have an existing marketing or communications strategy in place or not, incorporating an animated video is not only easy, but the video itself will also extend the legs of your campaign and reinforce your message. The beauty of animation is that you have complete freedom to match the look and feel of…

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Video ideas to fuel your inbound marketing strategy

Fresh Online Video Ideas to Boost Your Inbound Marketing Strategy

In the past few years we’ve seen online video become an integral part of inbound marketing strategies. Now companies are looking for new ways to leverage this medium more than ever to generate leads. Maybe your company was on the bleeding edge of its industry and incorporated online video ahead of the curve; otherwise you…

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Maslows Hierarchy of Needs

Making an Impact: Animated Videos for a Social Cause

Producing animated videos for a social cause is a bit different than creating a video for a product or service. First and foremost, a video for a social cause is often designed to trigger an emotional response that is typically addressed as an element in Maslow’s Heirarchy of Needs. For example, the recent outbreak of Ebola…

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Choosing the right voice over for your web video

Choosing the Right Voice Over for Web Videos

Choosing the voice for your web video is important because it reflects how you want to communicate with your target audience. It is essentially another aspect of your overall branding that will differentiate you from the pack. With this in mind, how does your company select the ‘right’ voice over for your web video? To answer that, we have created…

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The importance of script writing for an explainer video

The Importance of Script Writing

“The reason one writes isn’t the fact he wants to say something. He writes because he has something to say.” ~Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald So, what do you have to say? What is so important that you need a video and an audience to pay attention to you? What do you want your audience to…

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NovaPolymers Whiteboard Animation

Tell the Customer Story Instead of the Brand Story

Animated videos are great vehicles for communicating a message to your current or potential clients, but often the most powerful message is communicated by telling the customer story rather than your own story. Telling the customer story is a great way to show your audience that you understand and empathize with your client’s challenges, which helps…

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Amber Group Motion Graphic Animation

Clever Ways to Use Promotional Videos for Your Business

Producing a promotional video for your business undoubtedly has its advantages. However, producing one that is truly successful takes more creativity than one may think. Larger businesses tend to have difficulty when finding a way to narrow down their offerings into a single promotional video that is both engaging and less than 90 seconds. Not…

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