Posts Tagged:company interview

How ProductionHUB Built its Massive Community for Video Professionals

ProductionHUB has rapidly grown to become the world’s largest and most active production community search site. We spoke with Katrina de Leon, the Director of Marketing at ProductionHUB, about how they use original video content to engage this large community and what the future of video production looks like. Read our full Q&A session with Katrina below.…

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Infusionsoft marketing

Infusionsoft Interview: How Video is Shifting Small Business Marketing Efforts

As we shift into the future of online marketing, more and more small businesses now realize the importance of an online video presence in their marketing mix. The increased accessibility of video tools and sharing systems has been a game-changer for businesses that typically couldn’t afford high-end video equipment. Developing a video marketing strategy can…

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Venngage Interview: Is Video Shaping the Future of Visual Content?

We can now say with certainty that consumers are far more likely to read and engage with information that includes visual or interactive content. Companies are jumping on board and creating data visualizations and infographics that are increasingly more interactive. Not only does the addition of video and interactivity make content more memorable, but it…

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