Posts Tagged:animated marketing videos

12 Things People Shouldn’t Forget When Making An Explainer Video: The Ultimate Listicle (With Statistics)

First of all we need to start explaining what is an Explainer Video and why do you need one, and the next we will make a list of things people overcomplicate or generally forget about why the Explainer Video is just perfect for any business.   WHAT DO EXPLAINER VIDEOS DO? The definition is in…

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Why Do You Need An Explainer Video: The Obvious Question That Needs An Answer

Did you know that 93% of marketing professionals are using online video for marketing and communications? And visitors who view product videos are 85% more likely to buy than visitors who do not?   Those statistics should be enough of a reason to convince yourself about the need of an Explainer video, but don’t worry,…

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how video helps internal communications

How Can Video Help Internal Communications

Human Resource departments constantly strive to find new ways to improve internal communications. As a company grows, offices expand to new cities and new countries, making internal communication more and more of a challenge. And now that more employees work remotely, traditional internal communication strategies are no longer relevant. One way to keep internal communication…

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marketing videos strategy

Does Your Brand Need a Marketing Video Strategy?

2015 has been renowned as the Year of Video Marketing, so you’ve most likely had a meeting or two about how your brand is going to showcase its product or service in video format. Whether you have started a video or not, your brand does in fact need a marketing video strategy. Why? Because everyone…

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