16th November 2012

Using High Definition in your Explanatory Video

HD this and HD that… everything today seems to be HD! So what does that even mean? And how can your company utilize this growing technology when you create online videos? Revolution Productions has the answers.

In the most basic terms, High-Definition (HD) video refers to any video system of a higher resolution than Standard Definition (SD) video and has a display resolution of 1280×720 (720p) pixels or 1920×1080 pixels. High definition is the “new” way to watch video in our technological world. Most online video streaming/download services are now running and offering HD video, including YouTube, Vimeo, Hulu, Amazon Video, and Netflix. So…why aren’t you?

High Definition

Now, why should you join the world of HD videos in your web video advertising? Because the generation for high definition is coming now! Get rid of those unclear and shaky videos and enjoy the wonderful visual experience that HD video brings you. Explanatory videos are highly important for any company, and your viewers are going to start expect nothing but the best. By having an HD offering on your explainer video, you can get ahead of the competition. There are diehard HD fans…so let them watch your video!

With HD, you are offered dynamic lighting, sharpening/de-noising material and smoothness enhancements, for an overall sharper and more vivid picture in real-time. So step into today’s high-technology world and set up to High Definition with your explanatory videos!

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About the Author

Anish hails from London and holds a degree in software engineering from the University of Manchester. Following his education, he worked for several years in the financial industry as a platform administrator before founding Revolution Productions in 2008. In addition to over seven years of video production, Anish is seen as an industry professional, adding his insight in publications such as VentureBeat, ReelSEO and Wistia.

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