13th April 2015

Fitting Animated Video into an Existing Marketing Strategy

Ideas on how to implement video into an existing marketing strategy

Whether you already have an existing marketing or communications strategy in place or not, incorporating an animated video is not only easy, but the video itself will also extend the legs of your campaign and reinforce your message.

The beauty of animation is that you have complete freedom to match the look and feel of your existing campaign into a video, making it a seamless transition from a single dimension to multiple dimensions. This includes logos, mascots or characters, corporate identify, colors, and even tone!

More importantly, videos compel and compelling videos sell!

Here are some fresh ideas on how you can incorporate video into an existing marketing strategy:

  • Press kit supplementary
    Add an explainer video into your digital Press Box or include it as part of your press kit on a CD or USB stick. While journalists soak up a press release and product fact sheets, this can be particularly helpful when explaining a “groundbreaking”, or “revolutionary” new product into the market. The better the journalists understand what you’re doing, the more descriptive – and intriguing – their review will be!
  • Personify unique selling points (USPs)
    Whether your targeting the B2B or B2C industry, partners and consumers want to know why they should work with you or buy your products. Rather than just distributing a static document to potentials, why not support it with an animated video that more easily connects with your viewers on an emotional level?
  • Utilize landing pages or microsites that feature videos
    If you aren’t familiar with the statistics, unbounce reported that placing a video on your website or landing page can increate conversion rates by 80%. You can create a dedicated landing page or microsite to support your existing messages. What’s more, you can use these landing pages to track viewer behavior and more closely monitor the progress of your campaigns.

***Real results! SnapEngage’s conversion rates improved by more than 20% once they published the video on their homepage. Watch their video below!



  • Reinforce your message with an email campaign
    Email can be a great tool when trying to distribute your message and we are on the brink of being able to directly embed a video into an email without having any deliverability issues. In the meantime, we do have the capability to add pop-over embeds, GIFs and linked images and studies have shown that using the word “Video” in a email header increases open rates by 22%.

 ***Real results! Email campaigns are one of the top tactics used by eVestment to introduce their solutions to new contacts. As a result of their efforts, they achieved an 81% engagement rate and exceeded their goal of acquiring new qualified leads. Watch their video that was recognized for “Best Corporate Overview” in a contest held by PR Daily below:


  • Streamline communications with internal training videos
    An animated video is an excellent way to get all of your team members on the same page whether it’s explaining new processes, employee benefits, incentive programs, new products or service updates!

There are endless possibilities when it comes to new ways to integrate video into your existing marketing strategy and/or communication efforts, but we hope that these first five will help you get started in the right direction.

If you have any specific questions or would like to learn more, don’t hesitate to get in contact with us! We’re happy to help!

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About the Author

Jenny completed a degree in International Business Management with an emphasis in Marketing and Media. Having worked as a video journalist for several years, coupled with her background in international business and media, Jenny lends valuable insight and knowledge of the video industry into her work as a Creative Director and Producer at Revolution.

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