26th January 2015

Explainer Videos: A Break from Traditional Advertising

Traditional Advertising

Between the Internet, traditional advertising, TV and mobile devices, the average person is bombarded by the equivalent of 174 newspapers of data a day.

Whether it’s on the tram or subway, on a billboard, on our cup of morning coffee or from glancing at our own mobile phones, it’s nearly impossible to escape the ever-constant fight for our attention by advertisers.

Video: Why is Traditional Advertising Not Working?

While there is an important place for advertising – we all have things we want and are looking for – it has become largely overwhelming. As consumers, we have learned to tune everything out and “switch off”. Of course, there are always new and clever ways marketers have succeeded in grabbed our attention such as guerilla marketing, and most noticeably, video.

Online video has a number of great advantages including a high ROI, being able to communicate more in a shorter amount of time and having strong social “sharability”. However, the bottom line is that there is a still a lot of “fluff” in these ads that can be, quite frankly, misleading, dishonest or confusing.

This is where explainer video’s come in. The core of an explainer video is to communicate your business, product or service in a very simple and direct way – without all the fluff! Explainer video’s are not so much about convincing someone, but rather focusing on the facts and educating the consumer so that they can make an informed decision for themselves.

Video: How Do You Best Communicate a Product through Video Animation?

Explainer videos and are great way to quickly get your point across and is one of the most honest and effective ways of communicating your product. In a world of information overload, consumers will be become more and more selective of the type of advertising they pay attention to; they will not want to be sold on “fluff”, but rather on the facts and straight forward benefits.

Because of their engaging, honest and friendly nature, explainer videos will likely to be one of the most effective forms of advertising in the future.

To get started with your own product video, don’t hesitate to contact us to set up a free, no obligation consultation with one of our account executives.

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About the Author

Marissa is an account executive for Revolution and is an industry expert when it comes to online video, advertising and animation. Hailing from Texas, Marissa is an avid San Antonio Spurs fan and loves to travel.

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