1st April 2013

Choosing the Right Video Production Company

How do you choose the right video production company? Pick us! End of blog.

Just kidding..ish. A lot of people can be overwhelmed when it comes to deciding which video production company to hire. So many choices, so many prices, so many timelines, its crazy! Well, have no fear; let’s break down some things you need to think about before you let anyone touch your product demo video.

Prices aren’t Everything
Sometimes people think a low price means low quality or high price means high quality. Both of those facts are wrong. Just because it costs 10K to make your explainer video, doesn’t mean you necessarily get 10K worth of work. Before looking at prices, narrow down your options. Find video production companies you like and then ask for a quote. If someone gives you something ridiculously high, you have more options.

Look at Sample Work
Do you want an animated video, but the potential company only has presenter videos? I’m sure they’re a great company, so maybe keep looking around. You want a company that is an expert in what you want. Not sure what style you are interested in? Don’t worry – you can easily find a company that can help you figure out your target market and what style fits your company.

Check References
You want a company that is really easy to work with, right? Ask the company for references or check out their customer testimonials. You want this process to be as easy as possible for you, because hey, you’re the client! Make sure the company made the whole process as simple and seamless as possible.

Read the Case Studies
Most companies should have their case studies listed on their website, so make sure to read that to see what actual results a company can achieve. It’s important to see what they have done in the past, and it should align with what you are looking for!

Just Ask!
If you have specific questions, ask the company! You are the client, so you come first, right? If you want to know who you’ll be working with, what the process is like, etc, then just ask – any decent video production company should be able to answer these questions in a timely manner.

See how easy it can be to find the maker of your product demonstration videos? If you want any more tips or advice, contact us!

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About the Author

Anish hails from London and holds a degree in software engineering from the University of Manchester. Following his education, he worked for several years in the financial industry as a platform administrator before founding Revolution Productions in 2008. In addition to over seven years of video production, Anish is seen as an industry professional, adding his insight in publications such as VentureBeat, ReelSEO and Wistia.

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