16th August 2013

5by: The Video Concierge That’s Changing the Video Experience

Casually walking down the street you walk by a person wearing a t-shirt with the words “5by” imprinted on the front. Thinking, “Did I read that correctly?” you take a second look. Yep, you did.

5by is turning heads, people! This application is on the right path to becoming something huge within the next year, or even by the end of 2013. Now you are wondering: What is 5by?


It’s a video concierge that scours the best video sharing websites, like YouTube and Vimeo, to bring you the best videos based off your interest at the time or from a specific channel, like ads, bloopers, celebs, etc. For anyone familiar with the Songza music concierge platform, it has been dubbed the “Songza of videos” due to its remarkable similarities.

The 5by platform is great for both video marketers and the viewer. As you, the viewer, watch random videos based on the mood you selected, you can express how you feel about the video by rating it through a series of sub-moods. For example, you can click “awe” for videos that were heartwarming or “OMG” for videos that were outrageous.

These sub-moods are then used to further adjust your profile giving you better videos based on your personality. This is all great for the viewer, but how does this benefit the producer or marketer?

 Well, by having a database of viewers categorized into specific personalities, marketers can target viewers based on just that. Let’s say that based on Frank’s profile he loves scary videos and “Scream 67” is about to hit theaters, marketers are target Frank because they know he is a sucker for horror and terror. It’s a smart business move, and it enables marketers the ability to reduce advertising dollar waste by targeting the wrong audience.

 With the Internet saturated with videos, 5by helps connect people with the best video suited for them, while giving the viewer ads they actually might be interested in.

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About the Author

Anish hails from London and holds a degree in software engineering from the University of Manchester. Following his education, he worked for several years in the financial industry as a platform administrator before founding Revolution Productions in 2008. In addition to over seven years of video production, Anish is seen as an industry professional, adding his insight in publications such as VentureBeat, ReelSEO and Wistia.

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