5th April 2012

Review of the Sony Xperia “Made of Imagination” Video Ad

As experts in video production, we’re always on the lookout for truly fantastic videos of any sort. Web video for advertising is an extremely powerful tool that can be employed in a million different ways, with unlimited room for creativity and imagination.

The following is an animated web video that we think was especially successful. Sony made it as a TV ad to promote their new smartphone, using the stop motion animation technique in 3D and bringing in famous director Wes Anderson. Take a look.

In a way, this cartoon web video is the opposite of an explainer video; instead of the experts explaining exactly how a product works to potential customers, a total non-expert (a little boy) gives us his imagined version of how, in his mind, the phone might work.

What the video is really doing, then, is pulling at our heartstrings with an incredibly powerful bit of storytelling; we’re endeared to ‘Jack Ryan (Age 8)’ with his sweet, childish voice and at the same time, we’re remembering the magic of childhood when we came up with fantastical explanations for how things work because anything that we could imagine was possible.

The video creates an emotional connection in our minds between the product and home, family, and nostalgia. The central message is that with this product, anything is possible, and you, the customer, can create those possibilities, just like Jack. This is a claim basically any technology company would like to make, but Sony actually manages to make.

The emotional storytelling through the child’s voice is strengthened by coherent visual integrity: See all those browns and grays complemented by strong highlights of yellow, red, green, and blue? Genius. And the 3D rendering — gorgeous.

Kudos to Sony’s ‘Made of Imagination’ video for being our pick of the week. What’s the best animated web video you’ve seen recently? Leave us a comment and we’ll check it out!

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About the Author

Anish hails from London and holds a degree in software engineering from the University of Manchester. Following his education, he worked for several years in the financial industry as a platform administrator before founding Revolution Productions in 2008. In addition to over seven years of video production, Anish is seen as an industry professional, adding his insight in publications such as VentureBeat, ReelSEO and Wistia.

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