2nd July 2012

How to REALLY Pitch a Client with Video

So what do you do when you find yourself pitching a top company to help launch their latest product? Probably get a great slideshow together, put on your suit, make sure you’ve memorized your PowerPoint, etc. Now what do you do when you find yourself pitching a top company and you’re Revolution Productions? Make a video, of course! And that’s just what we did.

A few weeks back, Anish, Founder of Revolution Productions (you know him!) and Rachel went to London to make a presentation for LexisNexis to launch their new product Lexis Smart. Now, we didn’t have much time to put this together, but it’s LexisNexis, so come on now. We put on the coffee pot, got our minds working, and created this professional web video to help with our presentation:

Wow, right? I know. The video was 2 minutes, followed by a ten minute Q&A, rounding out a twelve minute meeting. And guess what? We won the contract the next day! The client was very impressed by this innovative and short (come on, they’re busy people) meeting that was unlike any others.

By pitching a whiteboard series using a whiteboard presentation, we showed our skills and how we can help the company explain their new product. A video web-like series is a good fit for LexisNexis as it can showcase Lexis Smart in an easy-to-view way. We all like videos!

So while normally we have fun creating characters for our clients; this time, we made ourselves into characters:

Pitching to a Client

Aren’t we cute? The video was actually about two minutes, but we had to edit it to show you (we can’t give all the secrets away). So why did this work? Well, for one we are creative and have a powerhouse team. In addition, we made the script, design and animation super simple which ended up giving a more engaging and clearer overview, so we didn’t waste time on irrelevant details.

Lastly, PowerPoint is so 2011. We are an innovative video company, which we prove. This method can pitch investors and clients, if done right. We’re definitely giving ourselves a pat on the back, as LexisNexis really enjoyed the video, rather than sitting through a PowerPoint. So there you have it – how to really pitch a client.

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About the Author

Anish hails from London and holds a degree in software engineering from the University of Manchester. Following his education, he worked for several years in the financial industry as a platform administrator before founding Revolution Productions in 2008. In addition to over seven years of video production, Anish is seen as an industry professional, adding his insight in publications such as VentureBeat, ReelSEO and Wistia.

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