26th July 2013

How to Optimize Your Video Content in Google Searches

There are always questions and concerns surrounding how to get web videos noticed. You already know that having video on your website is terrific for SEO, but what qualities are necessary to actually make a successful video? The whole reason you’re making this video is that people watch it, so how can you come up in searches?  Don’t worry, we’ll give you some tips to make sure it’s easier than before.

Importance of Google Search Engine

Google is the king of all search engines right now. This means you must impress Google in order to have a strong presence in the online world. What impresses Google, you ask? Well, to start, they have aimed at giving higher page ranks to sites with quality and credible content. You want your video to contain content that raises excitement in people, thus leading them to share your video socially. It is important to provide viewers with quality, unique content that is highly and easily sharable. Make sure your social sharing options are visible around and on your video to direct your views towards those options.

You will also want to include “rich snippets,” a type of page markup that provides additional information about the content to help summarize what its about, for your video. You want to create a Google site map so that your video shows up in Google searches with a picture representation, play button, and its “rich snippets.” This is much more attractive to viewers than just simple, plain text.

Google Search Engine

Do not forget about quality keywords, titles, tags, descriptions, and scripts for your video. It is important to research which ones will help get your video noticed through Google.

Effective Videos for Small Businesses

As a small business, video marketing can be extremely valuable when building a clientele base. What makes an effective video or ineffective for a small business? One crucial point is having a clear call to action in order to solicit action from the user. You also want to make sure you respond to your audience and get involved with the problems they may need to solve. Adding a personal touch can also boost video interest. Feature your staff, customers, family, anyone that has a story or experience with your company to increase curiosity in your business.

Quality video content is essential in order to make an impact online. Once you have a quality video that is easily sharable, you are well on your way to video marketing success. Be sure to include effective text and keywords when describing your video to help ensure its accessibility online. Don’t forget to check back on our blog for all your video questions and needs.

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About the Author

Anish hails from London and holds a degree in software engineering from the University of Manchester. Following his education, he worked for several years in the financial industry as a platform administrator before founding Revolution Productions in 2008. In addition to over seven years of video production, Anish is seen as an industry professional, adding his insight in publications such as VentureBeat, ReelSEO and Wistia.

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