14th October 2013

How to Incorporate your Logo into your Explainer Video

When you create your company video, you want to be promotional.  But, at the same time, you want people to actually watch it and not feel like they’re being spammed.  So how can you promote yourself without overly promoting?  Tricky stuff!  One thing you can do is play with your logo in your video.  Now, I don’t mean to just keep your logo in the entire video.  And I definitely don’t mean putting your logo as your background.  But you can use hints of your logo all throughout your web video.

How do you put a logo in a web video, you ask?  Take a look at the video for marketing that we completed for eVestment.  Watch the entire video, looking out for their logo.

Now, what did you see?  First, you definitely saw their logo:



Good.  But what else did you see?  Anything that maybe reminded you of that logo?


Ah ha! That’s one blue circular shape that looks like the logo….anything else?



The globe!  Now you’re getting the hang of what it’s like to be an online video maker.  We included subtle hints of the eVestment logo to keep the viewer reminded along the way of the company.

So, why didn’t we just put the logo?  You’re probably wondering since this is a business video, why we didn’t just get all promotional?  Well, the problem with that is that viewers don’t want to watch a video about how great a company is – they want to watch a video about the benefits they’ll get using this company.  So instead of just throwing in facts about how great eVestment is, we show the benefits to the viewer.

Video marketing can be complicated, as we don’t want viewers to feel like the video belongs in the spam filter.  We make sure to always promote the company, but also include some facts and figures that are useful for the viewer.  If you need help with this aspect of your video for business, then shoot us an email: info@revolution-productions.com.

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About the Author

Anish hails from London and holds a degree in software engineering from the University of Manchester. Following his education, he worked for several years in the financial industry as a platform administrator before founding Revolution Productions in 2008. In addition to over seven years of video production, Anish is seen as an industry professional, adding his insight in publications such as VentureBeat, ReelSEO and Wistia.

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