
4th May 2018

10 Misconceptions About Animated Explainers – Busted!

A lot of people think video for marketing and sales isn’t essential, but they couldn’t be more wrong! We combined the best and most common misconceptions we’ve heard and busted them here for you:

1. This is too expensive.

One client gave us the best rebuttal for this one; “Powerpoints were too boring and time consuming, live-action was expensive and kept needing updates. Animated video was the simplest and most cost-effective solution we could have imagined. I just wish we’d thought of it sooner.” If you’re still in doubt, feel free to review some stats on our ROI document here.  

2. This is not a necessity or a priority right now.

We understand. Timing is everything. Just FYI, we offer early-bird discounts for the decisive ones who know what they want.

3. I can make this myself for $200.

You probably can! But you can also cut your own hair and end up as the star of a meme of bad haircut fails (true story for one of our team members!). We’ve been doing this a while and can save you time and energy. On animation, not haircuts!

4. I think live action has worked better for us.

We provide both! But animation is cheaper, quicker, and the cincher: it’s timeless. If you don’t believe us, compare Disney movies from the 90’s with a feature film. For those not convinced on aesthetics alone, the profit margin comparison should do it.

5. Animation is too cartoony for us. My boss will never go for it.

Share with us what his concerns are, we’ve heard them all and can answer any question. Then convincing him will be easy! We’ve also prepared a short infographic to help you change his mind, download it here.

6. How will this help my brand awareness?

Explainer videos are really good at explaining complicated products, but they’re really really good at explaining who you are. When you use online video in your digital marketing strategy, you have the perfect opportunity to enhance your brand’s message and drive your company’s persona home.

7. I’ve never used video for marketing.

Here’s what we do know: when you use video and text on the same page, 72% of people are more likely to engage with your message than just with text.

8. I have never heard of you.

Chances are you’ve heard of our clients! We’d be more than happy to provide a reference. You can also download some case studies on our designated resources and case studies page.

9. You won’t understand just how complicated our product is.

We get why you’d think that! Here’s the thing though, presenting your product to the average Joe is easier if we can also see their side. And our past experience with technology, manufacturing and healthcare giants has more than prepared us for anything you might throw our way!

10. How’s this going to help my SEO? 

At the root of good SEO is organic content driving views to your site. A video is always helpful for that, an animated video extra helpful!


We hope we dispelled some misguided concerns you may have had about animation!

Have other concerns? Comments? Write to us on info@revolution-productions.com

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About the Author

Anish hails from London and holds a degree in software engineering from the University of Manchester. Following his education, he worked for several years in the financial industry as a platform administrator before founding Revolution Productions in 2008. In addition to over seven years of video production, Anish is seen as an industry professional, adding his insight in publications such as VentureBeat, ReelSEO and Wistia.

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